Accessibility Statement

Hamel Family Wines is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities. We have subscribed to Accessible Web’s RAMP to help us discover, understand and organize accessibility work. All accessibility related upgrades made to our website,, are targeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards.

If you have any difficulty accessing any pages or content on this website, please contact our Accessibility Advocate by phone, email or by clicking the “Get Help” tab and submitting the “Report an Accessibility Issue” Form. We try to respond to feedback within a reasonable time, usually about 2 business days.

Accessibility Auditing and Certification

We are pleased to confirm that Accessible Web has completed a manual WCAG 2.1 AA audit of our website, ensuring it meets essential accessibility standards. We have diligently remediated all identified accessibility failures as of December 1, 2023, in our commitment to providing an inclusive online experience for all visitors.

It’s important to note that while we have resolved known issues, certain third-party exceptions beyond our immediate control may still exist. We continue to work proactively to minimize these exceptions and strive for a more accessible digital environment.

Your feedback is valuable as we continuously improve our website’s accessibility, please visit the “Get Help” form above to report any barriers you may encounter so that we can address them to improve the experience for future users.

Report an Accessibility Issue

Having trouble using our website or want to request an accomodation? Please contact our Accessibility Advocate to report your accessibility concern or get assistance.

Accessibility Advocate

Elke Humphreys


[email protected]

Mailing Address
15401 Sonoma Highway
Sonoma, California 95476

Accessibility Log

Our accessibility log provides a timeline of progress as we work to create and maintain accessible experiences for all users. You can view the log here.